
Here's a brief overview of my work experience.

  • SunMedia logo

    DEVELOPER | Team Leader - SunMedia

    Frontend Developer and Team Leader.

    I led the development of SunStudio, a web ad creation project similar to Figma. As the leader, my responsibilities included project structuring, technology and library selection, and supervision of a team of 5 developers to ensure we met programming objectives and best practices. This project allowed me to demonstrate my ability to lead a team and achieve successful results in a challenging and constantly evolving environment.

    HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Vue3, Pinia, Vite, Vitest, NodeJS, Bash Scripts, Python, JsDoc, Eslint, Prettier.

    Talking about Gitlab-CI config.

    During my experience with Gitlab, I acquired skills in configuring pipelines for continuous integration and continuous deployment. As a result, I was tasked with delivering training on the subject at SunMedia, covering basic principles and how to configure continuous integration for enterprise projects. Link to talk.

    Talking about Vite.

    After creating the structure of a project with Vite, my colleagues asked me to give a talk explaining how to implement Vite and its features for use in other projects. Link to talk.

    Jan. 2021 - Present

  • SunMedia logo

    DEVELOPER | Frontend - SunMedia

    Frontend Developer.

    At SunMedia, I developed a data management application for advertising campaigns and contributed to the creation of the company's UI component library. I proposed solutions and improvements that resulted in excellent results and valuable learning experiences. I was recognized for my commitment, responsibility, and ability to work in a team.

    HTML, CSS, JavaScript, VueJS, Vuex, Webpack, Bash Scripts, Jest.

    Dec. 2020 - Jan. 2021

  • rapicopia logo

    Developer | co-founder - Rapicopia

    Frontend y Golang Developer

    Developer and programmer for the entire frontend

    HTML, CSS, JavaScript, VueJS, NuxtJS, Webpack, NodeJS, Bash Scripts, UX.

    Developer and programmer for RapicopiaApp in Golang.

    RapicopiaApp is a small local server for the branch that allows printing and downloading of customer notes.

    Jul. 2018 - 2020

  • Fullstack Developer - Tribal Consulting

    Fullstack Developer.

    Fullstack developer for various projects for different clients.

    VueJS, Nativescript-vue, NodeJS MongoDB ExpressJS, NuxtJS, Bash Scripts

    HTML, PUG, CSS, LESS, JavaScript, AngularJS, GruntJS.


    Jul. 2017 – Oct. 2020

  • Developer - Freelance

    Fullstack and mobile app developer

    Event management and publication system.

    Ionic, CordovaJs, AngularJs, NodeJS, ExpressJS y MongoDB.

    Nov. 2017 – Feb. 2018

  • Teacher - Arduino Course

    Ing. Sup. Del Profesorado Nro 5 “Perito F. Moreno”

    Taught the course "Arduino Programming and Introduction to Robotics".

    Ago. 2017 – Dic. 2017

  • Speaker - EmprenDevs

    VueJS - The Progressive JavaScript Framework

    Introductory talk on VueJS

    I show a few details and concepts of VueJS.

    Jul. 2017